Patent Search

Find patents with ease.

Most patent search tools are difficult to use. Some require extensive research before—and even after—hitting the search button.
Others are based on unreliable data. Patent Search is different—discover why.

The choice is yours.

Keep it simple and let us do the hard work or get creative with your queries right away—it depends on you, not us.

“Patent Search is a wonderful tool for us.”

Leeo Gao, Intellectual Property Attorney at WABCO Asia Pacific

Find what you need, the way you want to.

With its different search features, Patent Search adapts to different search strategies. No matter which one you choose, you’re going to get the job done—the right way.

Smart Search: the easy way

For the first time, user-friendly isn’t just a buzzword. Enter the natural language in the search bar and let Patent Search extract the keywords, identify the synonyms, and add in the related terms.

Advanced Search: the granular approach

Search through dozens of patent data fields and combine the results with Boolean operators to refine the results. Once you’re done, export the query history to an Excel file—because no one wants to tackle the same task twice.

Semantic Search: fill in the cracks

Semantic Search goes beyond keywords and grasps the meaning of what you enter into the search box—be it the title, abstract, or a claim—to spot patents from across IP5 and WIPO that disclose similar inventions or technologies.

Remove subjectivity with Quality and Value Rankings—a Patentcloud exclusive.

Traditional patent evaluation is often based on subjective metrics and fails to answer questions such as Is this patent worth my attention? Patentcloud’s Quality and Value Rankings, backed by the experience of 600 IP veterans and machine learning algorithms developed ad-hoc, provide a unified approach.

Scared of missing out?

We introduced these features to reduce the risk of leaving essential patent documents out.

Corporate Affiliation Search

Apple has 24 affiliates worldwide. Tesla has 287. How can you be sure to include them all in your searches? Try the Corporate Affiliation Search function, which groups hierarchically affiliates, subsidiaries, and name variations under a handy corporate tree.

Keyword Expansion

Similar to Smart Search, but more powerful. The same concept can be described through different words: reduce time spent on keyword brainstorming by picking from suggested variations of the terms in your search query with Patent Search.

Classification Search

Don’t know where to start? Take the first step by focusing on a specific technical field: you can always zoom in once you have a clearer picture. Key in the code directly, or find the most relevant subclasses through an expandable tree.

Want more?

Discover what’s going on within the portfolio—before it’s too late.

Data export

Patent Search doesn’t force you to rethink your entire workflow: export up to 200,000 patents to an Excel file and use them as you wish.

Patent comparison

Easily compare two or more patents side-by-side for an in-depth examination of the details.

Instant analysis

Am I looking for the right patents? A chart is worth a thousand words—or patents, in this case. Get a visual overview of the search results to know right away if you’re on track.

Data you can trust.

High-quality decisions require high-quality data—here’s why you can trust us.


Global patent and non-patent databases


Global patent bibliographic data

IP5 + 9

Full text databases


Global patents stored and processed

Beyond numbers.

Even the most authoritative patent database can get it wrong, at times. As an additional precaution, our Patent Search tool utilizes proprietary data processing technology to cleanse and standardize data. With several sources taken into consideration, you can rest assured that only the most accurate and up-to-date information ends up on your display.

Legal Status

Current Assignee

Estimated Expiration Date

Learn from the past.

The patent world is constantly changing. Keep up to date and anticipate trends with patent transaction and litigation records.

US and CN

Patent assignment records
  • Transfers
  • Mergers
  • Licensing
  • Pledging
  • Name Correction


Patent litigation records
  • District Court
  • C.A.F.C
  • Supreme Court
  • ITC Section 337 Investigations
  • USPTO PTAB Proceedings

The only patent search tool
you need—for any scenario.

Freedom to operate
Patent landscape
Patent competitive analysis
Patentability search
Patent prosecution filing
Patent licensing and